Puerto Rico en mi corazón

Puerto Rico En Mi Corazón is a collection of broadsides of contemporary Puerto Rican poets, in English and in Spanish. Edited by Raquel Salas Rivera, Erica Mena, Ricardo Alberto Maldonado, and Carina del Valle Schorske, coordinated by Anomalous Press. 100% of sales will be donated directly to Taller Salud to assist Puerto Rico in recovering from Hurricane Maria.

Including poems by Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, Andrés Cerpa, Kenneth Cumba, Joey de Jesus, Nicole Delgado, Martín Espada, Cindy Jimenez Vera, Yara Liceaga, Ricardo Maldonado, Lara Mimosa Montes, Urayoan Noel, Mara Pastor, Yolanda Rivera Castillo, Gaddiel Francisco Ruiz Rivera, Nicole Seale, Vincent Toro, and Xavier Valcárcel.

In the weeks following Hurricane Maria’s devastating impact on Puerto Rico, letterpress printers from around the US were invited to participate in raising funds for Puerto Rican recovery by printing a bilingual broadside by a Puerto Rican poet for this limited edition collection. Thirteen printers from around the US participated: Chaz Nove, Karen Carcia, Laura Brown, Erica Mena, Kimberly Maher, Candy Gonzalez, Emily Tipps, MC Hyland, S. Glemot, C.Lawrence, Katharine DeLamater, Dan Wood, and Elana Schwartzman. A limited edition of 10 complete sets of broadsides signed by the authors in a clamshell box were made. One is held at the John Hay Special Collections Library at Brown University, another is held at the University of Arizona Tuscon Poetry Center.

More information about the project as it unfolded is available at: https://puertoricoenmicorazon.org

9781939781390The original broadside project quickly grew beyond the constraints of hand-made letterpress broadsides. This anthology collects all the poems from the project.

In the months following Hurricane Maria’s passage over Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican poets, translators, book artists, & editors Erica Mena, Raquel Salas Rivera, Ricardo Maldonado & Carina Del Valle Schorske came together to curate poetry as a response to the disaster. This book is the result. Forty Puerto Rican poets presented bilingually, some for the first time, are collected here from across the island and the diaspora, and brought into conversation with one another in these pages.

Available from SPD Books.