

Ricochet Editions, 2015.

Order Featherbone

Review in Jacket2

Review in Entropy

Winner of the 2016 Hoffer Award in Poetry

Featherbone draws on cyborg feminism, ornithology, anatomy, and Greek mythology to imagine what might have become of a genderqueer Icarus. The action of the book attempts to slow time down, to explore in detail the bodily capacity to transform, the process of becoming singular, mythic, and other. The driving force of the language is in compound neologisms, none of which are repeated (excepting “featherbone”), but which are rhythmically and tonally resonant throughout. Other language is appropriated from a wide range of sources including Grey’s AnatomyThe Peregrine by J.A. Baker, and The Oxford English Dictionary. Interfacing and fusing poetic, technical, scientific, and mythic language, the Featherbone becomes cyborg: animal, machine, human.



“The Problem of Infinities / El Problema de los Infinitivos,” Puerto Rico en mi corazón, ed. Raquel Salas Rivera, Ricardo Maldonado, Carina del Valle Schorske, Erica Mena, 2018.

Decompose: Of Immaterial Things,” American Academy of Poets, Spring 2016.

Theories of Dark I,” Kenyon Review Online, Spring 2015.

“Brim: A Landscape,” “Theories of Dark III” & “Theories of Dark V,” PANK 11, Spring 2015.

“from Featherbone,” Vanitas 6, 2012.

“Collapsed,” Dos Passos Review, 2009.

“Hurricane Season” & “Memorial Day,” Foldemzine II, ed. Bill Corbett (Pressed Wafer, 2006).

“The Light Side of the Apocalypse,” Bergstein, ed. Askold Melnyczuk (Arrowsmith Press, 2006).