
Puerto Rico en mi corazón edited by Carina del Valle Schorske, Ricardo Maldonado, Erica Mena, and Raquel Salas Rivera (Anomalous Press, 2019). Bilingual poetry anthology.

Jorie Graham. fast (HarperCollins, 2017). Poetry.

Jorie Graham’s selected poems, From the New World (HarperCollins, 2016), combined design challenges from the poets extensive career, with a need for new stylistic innovation. Working closely with the poet, I re-designed poems from earlier books, and developed the design for new poems in the last section.

Soundings: On the Poetry of Melissa Green, edited by Sumita Chakraborty (Arrowsmith Press, 2016). Essays, poetry, interview, and images.

Reality Hunger: On Karl Ove Knausgaard’s My Struggle, by William Pierce (Arrowsmith Press, 2016). Essay.

Magpiety by Melissa Green (Arrowsmith Press, 2015). Selected poems.